Spring Cleaning: Purge Your Office and Surge the with iTRUST

April 19, 2019
By Adam Stelzer, O.D.
Want to know the best way to kickstart your office spring cleaning this year? Start by checking out iTRUST’s revolutionary automated Practice Management and EHR! iTRUST will help you rid your office of all that extra paper laying around, clean off your shelves of endless catalogs, keep your office at peak performance, and help you store and manage all of your patient information in an organized and streamlined manner. It’s time to cut through the clutter and purge your practice, so you can gain the benefits of an organized and clean office environment.
The advantages of electronic health records are vast. One major benefit is that it provides a clean slate for you to organize all facets of your practice strategically and effectively, in a way that is easy to maintain so you can ultimately save time and relieve stress. So, once you’re signed up with iTRUST and ready to start your spring cleaning, here are some tips to help you reach feng shui status.
Fire up your shredder! iTRUST gives you unlimited cloud data storage so you can upload virtually every document associated to a patient chart. Stay organized by uploading or scanning overall patient information (such as copies of identification or insurance cards) in the ‘Attached Docs’ section. Keep exam information (such as retinal imaging or visual screenings) in the ‘Additional Testing’ uploads section within that chart, so you can easily correspond that data to the pertaining exam results. You can also eliminate all paper charts by scanning them into the patient’s profile for quick access during the patient’s next exam. No need for a separate patient history database with iTRUST. All previous chart data will be digitized and categorized within the new electronic record. No more rummaging through stacks of paper. All of your patient’s files are securely stored in iTRUST’s HIPPA compliant cloud servers so you’ll never lose data again. Now you’re starting to relax.
Get ready to recycle. You’ll no longer need catalogs of contact lens brands and parameter guides. iTRUST is integrated with ABB Optical Group’s up-to-date digital digest of lens manufacturers and corresponding parameters. This helps improve accuracy for simpler and safer prescribing. You can also add custom contact lenses or products and tailor your database so the information you need is always accessible with just one click. Starting to smell the roses?
Polish your practice. iTRUST offers powerful analytical tools to help you see areas where your practice is shining, as well as areas that need a serious scrubbing. The ‘Analytics and Reporting’ feature gives a detailed overview of office performance and helps to identify and prioritize opportunities for changes and improvements. Having flexible filters will allow you to sort by many different categories including appointments, orders, payments, sales, and many more. You can dig deeper to see and categorize types of appointments, specific exam procedures, individual products within an order, sales by users, and more. Regular use is imperative to the success of your business. Hear those spring birds singing?
Next year, you can skip the spring cleaning and go for the spring break!