What is the latest technology in Optometry?

Optometry is an eye-care profession that allows optometrists to examine the eyes for vision defects and diagnose them, like glaucoma.
Defects in eyes and visions have been increasing due to extensive use of gadgets and increasing strain, leading to an evolution in optometry. Several technologies like Corneal topography, retina imaging, OCT scans, Visual field testing, OPTOS Retinal exam, and more have been introduced. We have observed various rising technologies and bring you an introduction making you curious for further research on them.
Corneal Topography
Corneal Topography also referred to as photokeratoscopy or videokeratography, is a diagnosis with computer assistance and a congenital imaging technique that creates a three-dimensional map of the surface curvature of the cornea.
The 3D map is of extreme importance and valuable aid to an optometrist in examining and diagnosing the defects. It assists him in treating numerous conditions like refractive surgeries such as LASIK or assessing perfect contact lenses for your beautiful eyes. Corneal topography provides a detailed description of the cornea’s shape and power.
Corneal topography is necessary and often advised in the case of specific injuries and diseases like corneal deformities, abrasions, irregular astigmatism, postoperative cataract extraction, and more. It is a very painless and quick procedure to follow within seconds.
Digital Retinal Imaging and OCT Scans near Clifton
With the help of prevalent cutting-edge technology, we assess your eyes to treat them successfully if detected with any eye disease. We store the retinal images electronically to help the optometrist have a permanent record of and state of the retina.
Eye doctors get immense help with these records to measure the retina at every examination to diagnose diseases that might develop later.
Digital Retinal Imaging
Retinal Imaging allows the optometrist to take a digital picture of the back of your eye that shows the retina, the optic disk, and blood vessels; and evaluates the health of the same. Even with a high-resolution digital picture, it can be a dire situation to confirm health. Yet, it operates to examine and keep track of the changes that occur in the future.
Advantages of Retinal Imaging:
Retinal Imaging is a process carried out in seconds that is safe and painless. It aims to provide detailed images that other technologies might fail at and give instant high-resolution photos.
If you are uneasy about your eyes, then be sure that it uses an eye-safe near-infrared light and doesn’t require the patient to prepare for it.
Optical Coherence Tomography
Optical Coherence Tomography is another congenital diagnostic instrument for Imaging that takes cross-section images of one’s retina. The latest technology intensifies patient health care by detecting problems in the eyes even before symptoms begin to occur.
This technology helps the optometrist with a three-dimensional image of the retina’s distinctive layers to map and measure the thickness for detecting eye defects like macular degeneration, glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy that can cause blindness. OCT is beneficial because it sees diseases quickly that otherwise may have taken longer to be detected or go undetected completely, leading to failure in treatment and a decline in the success rate of cure.
Dr. Moor of Centreville Eye care center in Virginia confidently explains, ‘OCT is used to scan the retina and optic nerve at an extremely high resolution, to as low as 5-micron digital slice of your eye, which is 1/10,000,000 of 1 inch. OCT gives the doctor a view of a section of the eye thinner than a human hair.”
Thus, OCT is the new way of treating patients painlessly and with the deepest scanning.
Working on an OCT Scan
In Optometry, OCT technology takes images of your retina using light ways, just like an ultrasound uses sound waves.
Your optometrist will ask you to sit in front of a small machine and place your chin on a small bar for support and a motionless process. They may or may not put dilating eye drops in your eyes, which generally widen your pupil and make checking the retina easier. Yes, this is a safe scan as it does not even touch your eyes and takes nearly 10 to 15 minutes to finish.
The scan is performed on both eyes with no pain. You may feel a little hypnotised by the flash off by the machine, but that will vanish soon. If the eyes are dilated, it may take a few hours, and they feel sensitive to the light.
Along with an OCT scan, the doctor can ask the patients to take a neurological exam if not done already and undergo vision testing, which involves reading an eye chart.
Diagnosis of diseases using OCT
OCT successfully provides signs of diseases at a very early stage and can diagnose conditions like –
- Macular Hole and pucker
- Macular Edema
- Age-related Macular degeneration
- Glaucoma
- Central serous retinopathy
- Diabetic retinopathy
- Vitreous traction
Not only that, but it also diagnoses disorders of the optic nerve and observes changes in the fibers.
But OCT scan can fail if the light passing through the eye is interfered with a few conditions, like dense cataracts or bleeding in the vitreous.
Visual Field Testing
The full view that we see or the peripheral vision is what is the visual field. We know what is in front, above, below, and the side without moving our eyes, included in the visual field.
We turn our eyes to see what is on the side because what we see the best is in the center of the eye. The more distant the object is, the less clearly we see it.
A visual field test measures how much the eyes can see up, down, left, and right without moving a look and how sensitive the vision is in parts of the visual field. It allows the optometrist to examine where the side vision begins and ends and how well one can see in the peripheral vision.
The test is very effortless and painless that has no eye drops but only the patient’s attention to understand the particulars of the procedure.
How do optometrists test the visual field?
The optometrist’s process begins with an initial screening requiring you to gaze constantly at a fixed central object. One of the eyes is covered during the screening, and the patient will have to describe what they see at the periphery of the visual field.
If there is a need for a more extensive test, then Special types of equipment test the visual field. The visual field tests are two types and are very simple:
- Amsler grid visual field test: What is an Amsler grid? It is a pattern of straight lines to make perfect squares, and the patient will look at a vast dot in the middle of the grid to describe the areas where the lines may appear blurry or crooked. This test only gives information about the center of the eye and not other areas.
- Confrontation visual field test: During this test, the optometrist sits 3-4 feet away from the patient and holds their arm straight out to the sides, and the patient looks straight in front. The doctor moves his hand inward, and the patient indicates him as soon as it is visible to him. But this test gives knowledge only about the outer edge and is not very accurate.
This test allows the optometry study to acknowledge the problems you might face while seeing in specific visual field areas and know the possible causes of hassle.
OPTOMAP Retinal Exam
Everyone should undergo an annual eye examination to keep their vision on track and get an early diagnosis if a disease or symptom persists. Well, you need not worry as eye care center is here to help you with an Optomap Retinal exam to examine the essential parts of your peeper.
At times, eye defects occur without you even realizing it, as there would be no change in the eyesight. But a retinal examination can catch what eyes miss out on, like diseases such as glaucoma, retinal tears, and more.
OPTOMAP retinal exam is the latest technology, better than traditional retinal Imaging. It captures more than 80% of the retina in an image while retinal Imaging captures only 15%.
Thus, this optomap retinal exam is successful in providing the following:
- Detection of diseases or a healthy eye with the help of a scan
- Retinal view to give insights to the doctor that she might not get from other sources
- Allows you to view and discuss the optomap image of the eye with your doctor
- A permanent record for you to view them years later for comparison.
This exam is speedy, trouble-free, and suitable for all ages. You will have to look into a device with one eye and see a flash to capture the retinal image. The optomap image occurs immediately on the screen.
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